Jacques De Molay Templar complex in Brazil

We, Fr. ++ Renato Milhiolo, Fr. ++ Adaniel Barbosa, Fr. ++ Wanderson Braz and Sor. ++ Ana Cláudia Marcelo Lopes Chagas, Great Officials - OSMTH Magnum Magisterium nominated by the 51st Grand- Master Dom Fernando de Sousa Fontes (in memoriam), members of the Grand Templar Priory of Brazil - Spiritual Cavalry Saint John the Baptist, because we understand that every Knight and / or Templar Lady must always observe the Code of Honor of the Cavalry; that they should not seek positions in the Order; who must always be in the service of the Order and respect their hierarchical superiors, as determined by the Code of Honor and the statute of our Sacred Order, we give whitthis Official Letter of Clarification our support for Grand Master Dom Albino Neves in order to clarify the many injustices, slander and maledictions engendered by people who act in a spurious, dishonest and unworthy way, offending and cursing others as a way of trying to demean the work he has done, whether through envy or malice.


Diploma of the Brazilian Press Association signed by the great Journalist

and Writer Barbosa Lima Sobrinho, Member of the Brazilian Academy of

Letters - Chair number 6.

In the case of the violence suffered by the Grand Master, what was expected becouse his inauguration as the first non-European Grand Master in more than 900 years of existence of the Order since the 51st Grand Master Dom Fernando de Sousa Fontes knew very well that he was being betrayed.


In order to clarify who it is, and the values ??of the 52nd Grand Master of OSMTH Magnum Magisterium Dom Albino Neves - Albino Rodrigues Neves Filho, who among other functions and achievements is Journalist (author of thousands of articles and articles and photos published in newspapers (author of several books published), some of them prefaced by important personalities of national life, such as former Minister of Education Dr. Aloísio Pimenta, the former President of the Federation of State Industries of Espírito Santo businessman Lucas Izoton, former TV director and businessman Eustáquio Palhares and others), in addition to being cited in works published by Archbishop Dom Paulo Mendes Peixoto among others.

                                                   Old Portfolios of Journalists

Also: As one of the creators of the Intermunicipal Consortium of the Carangola River Basin - CIBARC; Creator of the Path of Light, the Path of Brazil (covering 9 cities in the Zona da Mata Leste of Minas Gerais); Awarded the Trophy of one of the nine successful cases of Brazilian Tourism receiving the Roteiros do Brasil Prize in its third edition in July 2011, which was granted by the Ministry of Tourism of Brazil; Director of the Jornal Folha da Mata for more than 35 years with biweekly publication; Founder of the newspapers Zona Norte and Preservar; President of the Brazilian Association of Friends of the Path of Light - ABRALUZ; Creator of the AMAR Carangola Movement; He was the creator of a Sacred Route along the pilgrimage route of the Path of Light, donating the sculptures (in reinforced concrete with more than two meters and thirty in each height), paying homage to the patrons of Tombos, Catuné, Faria Lemos, Carangola, Caiana and Happy Waiting; Idealizer, builder and donor of the Templar Complex Jacques De Molay, seat of the Grand Priory Templar of Brazil - Spiritual Cavalry Saint John the Baptist, composed of the Temple Saint John the Baptist, the Sailing Room of Arms Grand Master Dom Fernando de Sousa Fontes and the Hermitage of Santa Maria Magdalena, whose works are built in stones in Medieval style; among many other works carried out, besides holding several titles and commendations received in recognition of the work done by him.

Dom Albino Neves is considered the most honored man in the history of the 12 surrounding cities of Carangola, so his public life is recognized by all the people of the region thanks to the countless works done in favor of people's lives, the environment, art , culture and the improvement of these cities. Jesus said "He that hath no sin cast the first stone." What people should do, in our view, is to show a little about their accomplishments if they have them and thus exalt their personal values.

Diploma referring to the receipt of the Medal of Inconfidence, which is offered

annually to Brazilian personalities who stand out in the most diverse areas,

granted by the Governor of the State of Minas Gerais.

Before we issued this note, we asked the Grand Master to clarify some facts, to allow us to publish his answers, and to give us access to copies of some documents in order to illustrate this Note.

Diploma of the Medal of Legislative Merit of Minas Gerais, which is offered annuallyto Minas Gerais personalities who stand out most in the State of Minas Gerais, granted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Minas Gerais

We do not intend to clarify the hundreds of thousands of citizens who live in the city of Carangola and other surrounding cities about who Albino Neves is the journalist and benefactor, because the work he has done over the last four decades, where he has acted as Journalists are too known and speak for themselves.

Title of Emeritus Collaborator of the Military Police of Minas Gerais for the relevant services rendered to the Corporation granted by the General Commander of the Military Police of Minas Gerais

First we try to find out about him because he does not use his full name but only one of his surnames. "As a writer and journalist, synthesizing my name becomes easier to identify with, and this happens with many men who wrote and wrote the history of Brazil and the world. For example the former President of Brazil Tancredo Neves, was called Tancredo de Almeida Neves; the complete name of Nelson Mandela had between the two names the last name Rolihlahla; Mahatma Gandhi, was called Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi among many other illustrious figures "the Grand Master said" I do not mean to compare myself to them, but to show that each one uses name as his own, therefore I am public figure and well known at regional and even national level due to the numerous documentaries and television reports, in newspapers and magazines throughout Brazil speaking about me and my achievements, I chose to abbreviate my name following numerology. "

Title of Emeritus Collaborator  of the Brazilian Army as recognition for the services rendered to the Brazilian Army granted by the Army General Commander Military of the East

We also asked him if he was a Journalist and if he had already been sued throughout his life and he replied: "I have been a journalist affiliated to the Brazilian Press Association since 1984 - Professional Registry DRTc 06828 JP Book 036 Fh 12v, meeting the requirements of Law 5,250 of the Press, i am a newspaper director for nearly four decades. As a journalist I have always denounced the arbitrariness, corruption and abuse of power committed by many authorities and this has sometimes resulted in slander, persecution, torture and prosecution whose main purpose was to try to silence my voice. However, I have never been condemned and this my certificate of good record the guarantor. I remember that in the 80's, when I was still young, they canceled a citizenship title that I won in a city in the state of Rio de Janeiro, because I denounced the bad deeds of the then mayor who had given me the title. I confess that if I had known that the intention to give me that title was to silence my mouth, I would never have gone to receive it. Fighting for the truth has these things, but it also has its recognitions. Once the former President of the Legislative Assembly of Minas Gerais and former Interim Governor Genésio Bernardino after defeating an oligarchy that prevailed in the region for more than 40 years and the Dictatorship said in a volume of a work published by him and which I had been offered: "To the great journalist from Folha da Mata, Albino Rodrigues Neves Filho, authentic leader of the free and independent press of the Zona da Mata, resistance trench of democracy, my embrace" and again wrote "allow me to greet him for the victory of the democratic forces in which the noble friend was the great artificer. Had it not been for his civic courage and the resistance trench of the democratic freedoms of Folha de Mata newspaper we would not have reached the climax of our victory, "as we can see, every coin has two sides. as a journalist these I always left them public, being even mentioned in the site of the Path of Light, in the Blog of the newspaper Folha da Mata and in the book "The Walker the trip towards the infinite." I can guarantee that none of them are reasons of shame for me , but of honor, for having fought against arbitrariness and in favor of the region, the State of Minas Gerais and Brazil for life, the environment and democracy, I ask you that you have known my public life and my person for decades: you think that the State Government of Minas Gerais, the Legislative Assembly of the State of Minas Gerais, the Military Police of Minas Gerais, the Army Brazilian and many other entities would award titles to those who do not deserve them or have their lives stained?

                                                                Title of Carangolan Citizen

Of the attacks and gossip that the Grand Master has suffered, he replied that he was taking notice through us, that he did not have time to squeeze himself with people who were envious, and he said that he only had to lament, since such people are worthy of pity. That he understood that some men have a price and that they let themselves be sold. Who understood that some people to justify their lack of principles and the quest to uplift their egos and feed their vanities stray from the path and use slander to attack and offend others. The Grand Master also said that one can not expect other positions of men when they are devoid of good character and good principles.

                                                                   Title of Citizen Tombense

Ending the conversation we had with the Grand Master he told us: "Do you think you should give credit to these people? Do you think you should waste your time with such people? Come to think of it! From what you tell me these people are poor in spirit and we need to pray for them, ask God to improve their minds. " After arguing, the Grand Master opened his personal file for us to choose what we wanted to publish.

                                                   Title of Citizen Epera-Felicense

In view of the above, we also affirm that this initiative was taken by us GPTB Grand Officers in order to clarify and make public responses to the direct and indirect attacks that it has suffered since the announcement of its appointment on August 18, 2018 And as, knowing the person of the Grand Master, we knew that he was not bothering with such matters for trusting, first in God and in His justice, and for being fully supported by the Regimental Statute of our Order.

                                                  Title of Citizen Faria-Lemense

We conclude the note stating that every man should be able to boast of a trajectory of struggles against the injustices committed by the man himself against his fellow men, against the environment and against democracy; as Dom Albino Neves can do. That the action of Dom Fernando, in naming the Templar Master Albino Neves as his successor, was not made random or by chance; we believe that Don Fernando has carried out an extensive research on the life and trajectory of his nominee; and came to the conclusion that the Order could not be in better hands.


Diploma of recognition for the provision of services in favor of those affected by natural disasters

We parted and photographed some documents that we consider important and that demythologize the slander:


Recognition of his struggle for Democracy in writing by the former President

of the Legislative Assembly and Interim Governor of Minas Gerais


                                                    Certificate of Confirmation

                   Motion of Applause for the creation of the Path of Light

Thanks to the Folha da Mata newspaper granted by the Government of the State of Minas Gerais through the Secretary of State for Tourism


                                         Plate of Legislative Merit of Tombos


                                   Motion of Applause as President of ABRALUZ


               Roteiros do Brasil Trophy received from the Ministry of Tourism of Brazil


                                        Diploma as one of the CIBARC Idealizers


Certificate of Affiliation of the Union of Owners of Newspapers, Magazines and Semanarios of the State of Minas Gerais

Certificate of Affiliation of the Union of Owners of Newspapers, Magazines and Semanarios of the State of Minas Gerais

                                                       Cover of the book The Walker

                          Cover of the book In the land of the monks of the desert;

                      Cover of the book Path of Light, the Way of Brazil

                                   Book cover A path in the path

      Cover of the guide book of the Path of Light